Thursday, February 6, 2014

Medicaid is to health insurance as turnip stew is to fine dining.

obama's signature legislation is so wildly overpriced and offers such pitiful coverage, people are turning to states' medicaid expansion programs and berating the 36 states that protect their citizens from the financial fallout the subsidized programs will cause.

People are losing their insurance because it's inadequate, and many are left with settling for said medicaid plans. Medicaid is the embodiment of inadequate insurance, yet it is suddenly seen as a saving grace. If you aren't already aware, you soon will be: Medicaid is to health insurance as turnip stew is to fine dining.

Why didn't they just loosen the restrictions to qualify for Medicaid in the first place? Because o'care has nothing to do with affordability or care. It's about a bloated centralized government pushing the US into a Welfare State. It's about control and invasion of privacy. It's about empty promises and getting more people dependent on government entitlement programs.

Read obama's books, he has made it clear he is partisan, racist, elitist and yes, anti-American. He says if you want to know about a person look at the people with whom he associates, while aligning himself with terrorists, communists and racists. (Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis and Jeremiah Wright, respectively).

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Get It Done Home Improvements - Apex, NC

In response to an ad posted on craigslist, I hired Brian from Get It Done Home Improvements. This was my experience:

I contacted Brian on a Friday. He said he could come on Monday and would have the job done before he left. Not unreasonable, as it was not a complicated job, just a pain in the neck because I don’t like plumbing.

It’s common for a customer to give a tradesman a down payment on a job to cover the cost of materials, so I didn’t hesitate when Brian wanted $100 up front. However when it came time to buy supplies he said, “Oh, that money’s gone.” Then I had to take him to the store to buy the materials for the job. It took three trips to the store in that one day to get everything needed, all of which took up my time.

He was not able to finish the job on Monday, and said he’d be back on Friday. I hired him because he said he’d be done Monday, and had to talk him into coming back on Wednesday. He came back on Wednesday and worked on the job and said he was done and I paid him the balance of what we had agreed on: $350 total, plus supplies. Problem is, the job wasn’t done. He had mounted the bathtub half an inch above the floor, so when it came time to tile the floor, there was a gap under the tub. He had left the pipe too long, which caused the problem.

I called and told him he needed to come back to correct his mistakes, and he said he’d be here Friday morning to take care of it. He did not show up, did not answer his phone when I called, and did not return any of my messages. I finished the job myself just to get it done – which means I paid him so I could do his job for him, which included cutting through steel pipe and installing the drain stop.

After calling him several times with no response, I left him a message saying I was finishing the job myself and posting here. He called back within minutes. You’d think he’d say what can I do to make this right, but no, he said, “If you post about me I’ll sue!”

If this is what you want when you hire a handyman, Brian is the best man for the job.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Maybe just the Mirapex?

Moody and VERY sleepy lately - can't seem to get my sleep habit into any kind of regular routine lately. Still making dinner every day which is really good, but I've been irritable and just not myself. Hoping it's just the transition back onto Mirapex for restless leg syndrome, then it has a cause and a time limit.

So many things to do that need to be done during business hours - every day I fall a little farther behind. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have things in order.

On the plus side, things learned in December have stuck, and when in the dumps I go back to the basics - things I know for a fact: God is still in control, Jesus is still alive, and the Holy Spirit is still my Comforter. It's good to know He's ALWAYS with me, no matter where I go and no matter what else is happening in my life.

LOL obvious when really tired, don't use personal pronouns very often.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Being attacked on a different front

Well, I've got what I consider a confirmation that the attacks on my mind and emotions are not a priority to the enemy anymore. This is because while my thoughts and feelings have been stable through the holiday season and then Jessica's birthday sleepover, one thing after another in my body is getting hit.

My last eye exam showed that the cataract in my left eye had matured, and was ready to come out. Then Dr. Roane ran an ultrasound of my uterus to see if the lining had thickened (a sign of cancer). It hadn't. :o) Then she said my white blood cell count is a little low so she had me go back to Dr. Pleasants to have more blood drawn because if it drops further they'll want to check for leukemia!

I spend all day burping and ... flatulating, and most of the time feel like a parade float (full of gas). The area of my kidneys will start to ache for no reason, pretty much every day. It's not a constant pain, so I'm figuring it's the gas - but still, hey - leave me alone!

I had no doubt my endometrium was going to be normal, and I have no doubt my WBC is going to be normal in this next blood test. I know my kidneys are not in danger, and farting never hurt anyone (except the other people trapped in the car) - I'm not fazed by these potentially bothersome medical reports - having the word "cancer" bandied about like a tetherball, and not running to hide in a corner, tells me two things: my mental and emotional battles are finally turning, and in seeing that the enemy thinks he can just change the direction of my attack and I'll cave.

I'm just not the same person I was when this type of thing worked. What my body says does NOT determine the truth of the Gospel or the reality of the Living God. My life is but a vapor, like grass that grows today and tomorrow is burned up. What matters is my eternal life, which I know that I know that I know will be spent in Glory with my Father, my Savior and my Comforter - my GOD.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

It just keeps getting better

Things have continued to improve since my 12/16 post. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, even physically. My appetite is back, and I've been eating 95% good foods. I haven't touched the Christmas candy, which I've usually just about cleaned out by now. Praise God, I just don't have the taste for junk anymore.

I'm working on establishing a habit of making dinner for the family. I'm pretty shaky at getting everything to be ready at the same time, and supper is always late (so far). I enjoy the cooking and putting things away, even washing the dishes afterwards, but having everyone at the table seems to take it out of me. Tonight all five of us were there, and we had a good time - Stephen provided lots of laughs, he's a natural - but by the end of supper I just wanted to be alone. David's sense of humor seems to get on my nerves lately - his conversation doesn't seem to quite fit in with what's being discussed, and he makes insensitive comments - thinking they're funny. I tried to give him some hints tonight, but he just got worse and thought I was being thin-skinned. I hope that improves over time, like my ability to have food on the table at 6:00, ready to eat - on a regular basis.

I got out for a walk with Asher (and Jessica & Peanut) yesterday and the day before; Tuesday we went a full half-hour, but yesterday was soooo cold we cut it in half. No walk today, I was just worn out from not getting enough sleep the two previous nights - plus I was stiff and sore from the walks, when my body just isn't used to it yet. I hope to get out for a walk with Asher tomorrow; she loves walks so much and is starting to catch on to the "stop and sit" training when we reach a curb. Regular reinforcement makes a big difference. Sometimes I want to take her by myself, but Jessica likes to come. I'm always glad I brought her; she's a joy to be with and we have some really nice talks.

Jessica's birthday is on the 9th - 13 years old! But she's not like most 13 year olds - she's thoughtful and kind and gentle, and doesn't hate me. Thank God for home schooling! Her friends in the neighborhood that go to public school are getting ill tempered and sometimes downright mean, and tell Jessica how they hate their mother. Jessica just doesn't understand that; I explained to her that it's peer pressure, if you say you get along with your mom at that age you're subject to ridicule. I got her a new wardrobe for Christmas - mostly American Eagle Outfitter, Tommy Hilfiger and Abercrombie & Fitch - it was secondhand, so the whole wardrobe was under $200. Jessica LOVES her new clothes, but her friend down the street says if they're last year's clothes they're out of style and it doesn't matter if they're from a good brand. Any time something good happens to Jessica, this friend has something negative to say about it - jealousy? I don't know, I don't care. I just tell Jessica that when this friend is being snobbish, it's okay to politely say "see ya later".

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Season

This is the first Christmas season I've enjoyed in ... as long as I can remember. I've always succumbed to the stress and anxiety of Christmas, never able to enjoy the very reason we celebrate. I know what's kept me miserable all these years, but don't see the need to include it here. There's been enough poison in my life, no need to keep spreading it.

God is doing a wonderful work in my life. It started two weeks ago today - (Pastor) Marty called on the congregation to fast any 20 days from that day until the New Year. I was already unable to eat solid food because of a side effect from medication, so I was pretty much already fasting - but without prayer. Fasting is a wonderful tool to draw closer to the Lord, but without prayer it's just not eating, nothing more. So I committed to spending 20 days this month in fasting AND prayer - just days before the medication side effect subsided - so now it's a decision I have to make every time I'm offered a Christmas cookie, or David makes a steak and offers me some (he's being a sweetheart, he forgets I'm fasting.)

I'm spending time every day in prayer, prayer in the Spirit and with understanding (praying in tongues sometimes, sometimes praying in English). I am experiencing ... something new. A new openness? A new awareness of who Jesus is in my life? A new depth of understanding? I don't know, don't know quite what it is - but when I enter into His presence, I no longer feel like a trespasser.

Also two weeks ago, it finally clicked that my faith - my very Christianity - is not founded on my emotions or my circumstances - it's founded on the sacrifice at Calvary - God is the same, Jesus is the same, the ANSWER is the same whether I'm feeling good or not - whether I'm in a borderline episode or not - whether circumstances are agreeable or not - they don't determine my spirituality, it's determined by a decision on my part to remain faithful despite distractions. I mean, it's like I always knew that, but somehow it just kind of "clicked" that Sunday.

I stayed home from church last Sunday, I think my head was hurting - of course I was well enough to get Jessica to the Powerhouse and wait for her there, then drive her home and watch TV with her - I was just tooooo sick to go to church. What a copout! Last night my headache started up again - no actually, Friday night and all day yesterday the headache kicked in - I spent pretty much the whole day in bed. Before bedtime I told Jessica "we ARE going to church tomorrow." Woke up this morning, no headache. :o) I got up at 8:00, just couldn't sleep anymore (all night, all day and all night seemed to be sufficient) and started to get ready. It was wonderful to have time to pick out a nice outfit and put my makeup on at home, instead of just grabbing something out of the dresser and throwing my makeup on in the church parking lot.

I'd been spending all week reading Psalm 91 and praying and singing praises, so my spirit was ready to get there and join in corporate worship with my church family. How sweet is the worship service when I'm really focused, and not rushing in at the last minute with everything on my mind except drawing near to Jesus. During praise and worship, while I was worshipping I had a vision - well, I saw before my eyes - visions of lightning. I learned a few years ago that lightning doesn't just come down and hit anywhere; it comes down looking for a place to hit - something from the ground has to send out an electrical charge and draw the lightning toward it, THEN it hits. (The tree outside David's grandparents' farm house must have had quite a charge; it got hit pretty much every time there was a storm!) I realized that God inhabiting the praises of His people is pretty much like lightning striking - we have to reach out to Him, and He reaches back and meets us where we're at. I was just blown away! People wonder why everyone around them is in the Spirit but they're not - it's because they're not reaching, they're sitting there waiting for God to respond to ... nothing! I will never look at worship the same again.

The other day on the way home from therapy, another thing just "clicked". It occurred to me that if I can use DBT to alter my cognitive behavior - to not react emotionally to my environment or circumstances - and DBT has made such a huge difference for me - if I can do that with my cognitive function, I can take it up another level and apply the same skills to my spiritual life! I don't have to let emotions or circumstances direct my path or my relationship with Jesus, I can stop - and take another look - and DECIDE whether to respond my way or the way Jesus would have me respond. I have a CHOICE, I don't have to be blown about by feelings or thoughts - I CAN take every thought captive, and if it doesn't line up with the Word of God, I can reject it and replace it with a Godly response.

This is all so basic, it astounds me that it never even crossed my mind before! I only hope this is just the beginning of new realizations (revelations?) and changes in my thought pattern - here a little, there a little, here a little, there a little, line upon line, line upon line, precept upon precept, precept upon precept - gradually growing in my knowledge and relationship with the Almighty.

After all this past year has held for me, I'm in awe that the year is ending this way. But I said back in January, 2007 is my year! I had no idea how right I was.

Lord God, you've given me everything - except the words to express my joy, my gratitude, and my love for You.